Payment Process for Benefits

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Payment Process for Benefits

Premiums are paid on a post-tax basis. 

Monthly payment coupons will be mailed to the address provided on your enrollment form for the first month of coverage through the end of the plan year or the end of your current contract period, whichever comes first.

Payments must begin with the first coupon received and are due the first of the every month, with a 30 day grace period.

Missed payments or payments not postmarked within the 30 day grace period will result in the termination of your coverage.

You will not be permitted to re-enroll until the next Open Enrollment period.

Payments may be made in advance to cover any or all coupons received.

Payments must be made in full monthly increments.

Payment deadlines are strictly enforced.

If you do not receive payment coupons within one month of submitting your enrollment form, please contact Department of Budget and Management-Employee Benefits Division at 410-767-4775 or 1-800-307-8283.


   New Employee Orientation

    - Full-Time Non Tenure Track Faculty & Contingent II Staff