Campus Overview - 28 - Employee Recognition

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Campus Overview - 28 - Employee Recognition

The HR website features staff and faculty who have recently been recognized for outstanding performance, teamwork, creativity or organizational abilities as well as years of service to the institution.  In addition, individuals from the campus community who make extraordinary contributions to promote the appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity at Salisbury University are honored each year through the President’s Diversity awards.  These stories are featured on the Diversity website.  Lastly, through a Council of University System Staff (CUSS) initiative, Board of Regent Staff awards are given each year to exempt and non-exempt staff and faculty in four categories including exceptional contributions, outstanding service to students, extraordinary public service and effectiveness & efficiency.  Information on this program as well as past winners, can be found on the University System of Maryland website.

updated 7/17/2015


   New Employee Orientation

    - Full-Time Non Tenure Track Faculty & Contingent II Staff