Campus Overview - 27 - Wellness

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Campus Overview - 27 - Wellness

Salisbury University recognizes the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance - something that is essential, and often difficult, during today's challenging times.  We invite and encourage students, faculty and staff to participate in the Wellness @ SU campaigns to ensure a happy, healthy, work-life balance.  The Wellness at SU program is administered by the SU Wellness Committee comprised of staff and faculty members representing various campus departments.  Lunch & Learn sessions are offered on average twice a month during the academic year.  In addition, on average two after-hours workshops are provided annually.  SU's Benefits program and Wellness @ SU offer multiple fairs throughout the year.  Each fair includes vendors to provide screenings and present various programs, plans, and/or activities available to assist the campus community with their personal wellness goals.  Both Maggs Gym and University Fitness Center facilities are operated as part of the SU Department of Campus Recreation.  Please refer to the Campus Recreation website for complete details regarding free and fee based options for both facilities.

updated 7/24/2015


   New Employee Orientation

    - Full-Time Non Tenure Track Faculty & Contingent II Staff